Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Ninth of May

This week included the "Ninth of May" celebration, which celebrates Russia's great victory during World War II. As you can expect, Russian history does not include the lend lease program, which provided Russia with tremendous assets. During the war the United States provided 14,000 aircraft, 2,000 rail locomotives 11,000 rail cars, and several hundred thousand trucks and jeeps and who knows what else.  Two thirds of all the trucks used by the soviet army during the last year of the war were provided by the United States.  President Woolley reported that a member said that the US fought on the side of the Germans.  Along with the Elders and some members of the branch, we enjoyed the celebration here in Lipetzk. 
On the first of May the fountains are turned on in Lipetzk.  This was our first look at one of the fountains.  
 Not far away is this statue of a Babushka with her broom and dog.  The babushka's seem to have a uniform here.  Even in the heat you see them with scarf, sweater, leggings and skirt.
We love our Elders!!!  This is the Lipetzk district.  Left to right, Elder Janson (branch president), Elder Stegeby, Elder Bishop (new from MTC) and Elder Harris (district Leader).  These are hard working and dedicated missionaries.  We love to have them in our home and love to feed them.  They are so appreciative.
Last Saturday on sports night, we had a surprise birthday party for Sister Rushanyan.  The Elders and several of the members came in support.  Sister Hoagland attempted her first from-scratch cake.  While most of it was wonderful, the middle somehow did not get cooked all the way through.  We must blame it on our oven which does not cook evenly.
Here we are waiting for the blessing of our pizza, juice, cookies and cake.  With a menu like that, I guess you really need a blessing.
Elder Hoagland joined the Elders at the bowling alley on P Day.  They had a fun time trying different ways to put the ball down the alley.  You notice they are wearing white shirt and tie.  It is the mission policy to find ways to wear missionary clothes rather than reasons not to wear them.  Similar to our garment policy.
 That evening we invited Vika and her two boys Ararod and Artiome for dinner at our place.  Vika's husband Armon is working in Moscow until he can get working papers.  Elder Harris and Elder Bishop came in order to provide interpretation.  Anastasia also came and did the dishes for us after dinner while we enjoyed each other's company.
 We used skype so Vika could call her mother and also her Sister and Mother in law in Armenia.  Elder Harris is my interpreter.  That was a lot of fun.
 On Wednesday I went with the Elders to a distant village to teach a new member lesson.  It was an hour and a half ride on the bus then it dropped us here where it is at least another 5 miles into the village.  It reminded me of the Movie North by North West Where Cary Grant is dropped off in the middle of no where to meet someone.
 Our attempt to call a taxi was not successful but two nice men in this French luxury car stopped and took us  into the village.  We did take a taxi back to the bus stop.
 The village lawn mower.
 The home of Samville and Margarite Sargsyan.  Elders Janson & Stegeby at the door.
 The lesson was on family history and here they are getting the family set up on New Family Search.  Margarite was working, but we had a wonderful visit and the girls fixed us a wonderful lunch with the best home made bread.  While I couldn't use the computer because it was all in Russian, I was able to give some direction and answer questions.  We have been much more active in working with the Elders the last couple of weeks.  They are bringing investigators to our apartment and we have been in their homes.
 The crowd gathering for the Ninth of May celebration and parade.
 Students arriving at the celebration.  They dress nicer for school than some of our youth dress for church.
 People forming a red star from a large piece of cloth.  Notice the Oregon State colors on the pole.  Many people had orange and black balloons as well, but there are already too many pictures in this post to include a balloon picture.  I will send that picture directly to my friend Skip Barnwell, who is a life long Beaver fan.
 The troops marching in for the celebration.
 I don't think these are regular army as they were a pretty rag tag bunch.
 I was expecting tanks, rockets, and huge artillery, but this is all we got.  Not even a fly over.
 It was not exceptionally hot, but I told the Elders to watch for the troops callapsing during the ceremony.  Sure enough, right in front of us a young man fainted in the ranks.
 We only had to endure four speaches.  The guys in the white shirts were the military band.  Not what I expected.
 Laying the wreaths at the monument.  Those doing the high stepping are students at a military school close by.  They also provide an honor guard at the monument year around.  They are very impressive and do it even in the winter months.
 The troops pacing in review.
 Everyone heading for home or the park following the ceremony.
 We went to Nitzni park and on the way passed this statue of Lenin in front of the government building.  Elder Stegeby suggested I shouldn't take the picture as they are sensitive to pictures being taken of government buildings.  I said I was only taking a picture of Lenin.
 The main church in the same square as the government building.
 A staircase from the square leading to the park.  Elder Janson and some of the branch members are in this picture.  We have been waiting to see this water feature since we got here and this was our first chance.
 This water feature is on both sides of the stairway.  The city has many fountains and they plant lots of flowers, shrubs, and trees but lawns run wild.  I have yet to see a lawn mower, but there is some evidence in isolated areas.
 These are the fountains just outside the park
 Elders Bishop and Harris.
 Elders Stegeby and Janson
 They redid the Lipetzk sign in the park.
 Jenna, a member and her two nieces enjoyed the activity.
 People enjoying the day in Nitsni park

 On Friday the Elders brought an investigator to our place and gave a lesson and then were taught how to make pastry.  Elder Harris is twirling the dough.  Had a good time with Elder Harris Friday evening as we went together to visit a less active member.  On the bus ride going Elder found a contact and at the bus stop on the return he found another.  He hadn't found one all day and he had been praying for two.  Great missionary.
They tasted great, but as usual, our oven did not do them justice.  We took them to institute class that night where there were three investigators.  Anastasia taught the lesson and also was helpful in the missionary lesson earlier at our home.  She loves to come to our place and eat our peanut butter and drink my diet coke.  We love having her.

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