Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Visa Trip

Every 90 days we must leave Russia and come back in on a new visa.  This was our first experience.  We received a call on Wednesday this last week giving us information concerning our travel to and from Moscow.  We already had our airline tickets.  We were given the option of leaving that night on the night train to Moscow or wait until the next day on a day train.  We opted for the night train so we could participate in the zone conference held there on Thursday and maybe get in some sight seeing.  
 The night train leaves at 11:00 pm.  Here Elder Hoagland is attempting to get in the top bunk.  This strong arm method did not work.  I had to use the little fold out ladder with the narrow rungs that require my using shoes to step on.  Sister Hoagland opted to sleep on the lower bunk where she took this wonderful picture.
As the train left the station with just the two of us in this compartment set up for four, we were very happy.  Not so fast!  At 1:00 am our door was opened and someone else came in and started making up the bunk under my bed.  As I leaned over to see what was happening, I saw a woman taking off her blouse.  Now all this was bad enough, (being awakened and having to share our room) but the conductor folded up my stairs and put my shoes on the floor.   Now how was I going to get to the bathroom!  With that worry it took a long time to get back to sleep.  The lady was very nice and turned out to be a Mary Kay sales person.    
We were supposed to be picked up by mission driver, and taken to the zone conference.  After waiting for an hour we started  to be concerned and a little frustrated about our situation.  I had left my phone at home in the rush to get to the train so we had no phone numbers to call and no address.  Taxis drivers were not helpful, not being able to find an address.  We sat down near where the Taxi Drivers were looking for fares and they found a wonderful young woman who spoke English. She had an Ipad and phone and located a government relations person who helped visitors who were stranded. The PR person after talking to us knew we were a "senior couple"  and was able to get the address of the church.  The good Samaritan went with us to the taxi but would not take any money.  We have found the Russians are very willing to help us ignorant foreigners when we need it.  
The office people were very happy to see us at the conference as were we.  It was a little disconcerting not speaking the language and having no idea how to get where we needed to be.  We were 2 1/2 hours getting to the conference.  After a wonderful lunch provided by the ex-patriot Ward, the conference began with a special musical number.  Part of the conference was teaching how to use the phone in making appointments after getting an initial contact on the street or bus.  Then there was a discussion about the many ways people are prepared to receive the gospel.  President Woolley asked all those who were converts, which virtually all the missionaries from Eastern Europe are, to talk about how they were prepared to receive it.  Most came via the English club, which showed its great importance.  The most compelling story was from Elder & Sister Storm who joined as a young married couple.

Sister Storm was raised in Michigan, had read the Bible during her mid teens and knew the bible did not teach the trinity and so had a serious problem with her church.  As young marrieds the  Storms were introduced to the church by an excited new member .  Elder Storm was ready after the first lesson but Sister Storm had a problem with Joseph Smith and the Book of  Mormon.  After feeling good about church doctrine and other aspects of the gospel,  but still not sure about J S & the B of M she & her husband were baptized.  It wasn't until she was asked to teach the Book of Mormon in seminary that she gained a wonderful testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.
All those in attendance at the zone conference.  President and Sister Woolley in the front row.  All the senior couples in the back.  We were the only visitors.

For our Salem friends, we thought we had found a young Randy Miller.  His name is Elder Mueller.  
After the zone conference we went a block away to a mall and picked up some food and brought it back to the high counsel room.  Every Thursday night those senior couples who live in Moscow get together for "Senior council."  None in attendance were at the zone conference because that zone includes small cities outside Moscow and Moscow is not in our mission, only the mission office is there.  In July we will all be joined together in one bigger mission.  Almost all of these couples work for the East European area presidency as lawyers, auditors and other professionals.  After gathering and eating prior to the meeting, they begin.
The meeting consisted of discussing social activities for the group, such as an upcoming trip to a park with wonderful tulip beds and museum finished off with a colored fountain display at dusk.  Then  a spiritual thought as pictured above.  This presentation came with a demonstration which I do not know the name of and it would take too long to describe.  It was a wonderful demonstration of how things are not what they seem.  Finally the floor was opened for people to speak of spiritual experience during the week.  There were three.
1.  Was about a baptism one had performed in French.  The young man was from French Africa, had no job and could not speak Russian.  He was very humble and when taught the law of chastity he became concerned, asking, "can I kiss my girlfriend."  He said he didn't know why he came to Russia under those circumstances, but now he thinks he knows.  He was to move to South Africa and they had contacted the Area presidency there to have someone meet him and get him settled there.
2.  A family member had told one of the couples there about a conversion in the Philippines.  A Catholic clergy with the responsibility for over 50,000 members was assigned to do research at the Vatican.  As a result of that research he had lost his faith in that church.  Seeing a missionary on the street he asked to be taught.  A baptismal date was set but a week before the baptism they lost contact.  Could not reach him by phone, could not find him at home.  Three weeks later, he called, saying he had been kidnapped.  They had taken him to an island, but eventually doors were kept unlocked and he escaped.  He joined, was disowned by his family, and harassed by the church.
3.  A less active young man had approached another couple on the train after seeing their name tags.  His mother had asked him to come back into activity when he came to Moscow and he decided to do so.  They made arrangements to meet him at the metro (subway) station, but for two weeks he did not show.  After calling and one last promise to come he finally made it to church this week.
The senior couple council of Moscow.
Moscow Mcdonalds
Night view from the office couple's apartment.
A school below their apartment.
Looking towards Moscow.  They live on the very edge of the city.
A visa trip goes like this.  We fly from Moscow to Kiev, Ukraine using our original passport and visa.  On Arrival we have put away our old passport.  The new passport has our new visa and we use it to fly back to Moscow with another 90 days in country.
These pictures are of the Kiev, Ukraine airport.  We spent about two hours for our flight back.

Back in Russia we were met by the mission driver and two elders who took us to the Metro and eventually to the train station where we left on the 9:42 pm train to Lipetzk.
Here is where we spent 2 hours trying to find our way to the zone conference.
This time our compartment was full from the start.  There was one man in military uniform who mostly stayed in the hall except to sleep and a pretty mother of a 13 yr. old son.  She spoke a little English and saw our inexperience at night train travel and offered to take my upper bunk and made up our beds for us down below.  It pays to be old and to look incompetent.  We had a nice, but short visit as it was soon time for bed.  In the morning she expressed a desire to learn more English.  Did we have the answer for her!  The most effect missionary tool we have, "English Club."  It is non threatening, but we do offer a spiritual thought each time that they do not have to stay for.  She gave us her card with her name, phone and email.  Hopefully the Elders will call her soon and give her the address.  

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