Sunday, May 20, 2012

Missionaries Call Home & other fun stuff

We are really feeling like we are finding our way now in this mission.  This past couple of weeks we have been involved with the Elders in their work.  We have had three lessons taught in our apartment and I have gone on splits with the Elders on lessons and trying to locate less actives.  One less active, Vlademir, has                                                                              been a branch president.  He still has a strong testimony but has not been attending.  That is a goal we hope can be realized.  He is so knowledgeable.  He has expressed appreciation for my coming with the Elders.  I hope he will accept an invitation for dinner soon.
 We finally got a look inside this church that is on the way to one of the grocery stores we trade at.  I didn't go any farther because the was an open casket just to the right with mourners coming and going.  Sister Hoagland did not have a head covering so she did not come in.
 Out with the tulips and in with the pansies and Petunias.
 We pass this memorial on our way too.  It is located on a traffic island next to a military facility.  If you google lipetzk this is one of the things they have pictured.  At the other end of town they have tank mounted on a pedestal.
 Walking to sports night (Saturday) past the monastery.
 Last Sunday our Elders were able to come to our apartment and use both our laptops and call home.  It was so fun to see their happy faces and they got to talk with their mothers & dads and siblings.
 After a lesson in our apartment we played a game.  The investigator in on the floor is the middle behind
Anastasia.  His little boy is not in view and that is why the game.  Sister Hoagland baked cookies.  This man has a date set for baptism.  Anastasia goes with the Elders to many of their lessons and is so helpful.  She is able to teach and bear testimony.
 In the last two weeks there has been a big effort to make flower beds at the school near our apartment.  We walk through its grounds to get to the bus and to get to the church as well.
 More flower beds at the school.
 A statue at another school.  We think this one is private, but not sure.
 A minor miracle occurred this last week when they came and repaved at the west end of our U shaped drive.   The public street is the same pothole infested mess.
 While they had lots of blacktop left, they just loaded it on a truck and left this giant pothole at the east end.
 I was asked to give the spiritual thought for family home evening.  I used Elder Boyd K. Packer's parable of the Mediator.  While trying to make it brief, I paraphrased quite a bit.   Using my massive college educated vocabulary proved  difficult for the Elders to interpret.  Even this young English speaking Russian was having trouble.  I have now learned to keep it simple as their language skills are very good, but it is hard to find the words in Russian that we use in English.  You have to come at it differently because they use different thought processes to make the same point and English does not always have a direct equivalent word. 
 Took a break on the way to the river beach with Artiome and Ararad.  Elder Harris is clowning around in the background.
 Lenin is everywhere.
 A fun place for families to come on a Saturday evening.
 Radic having a swim in the river.
 Most of us were playing volleyball.  I took a break from that this week because we had just returned from a visa trip early that morning and it took us 24 hours to recuperate.
 Elder Bishop and Elder Turner trying for an advantage.
 Elder Stegeby had an answer to their deception.
 Sister Hoagland enjoying the game.  That is my seat next to her.
 Fourteen year old Rodic trying to take down Elder Harris, who was Wyoming state champion for three years in high school.  Not a chance.
 Having a lite refreshment near the end of our sport night.
 Then back to play.

 Horse play with the kids.

 It was a battle we lost trying to keep the little boys out of the water.

 Sweet Margarite with Sister Hoagland.
 Elder Harris, Anastasia, and Arpine mugging for the camera.
Ani (On ee) and Anastasia resting.  These last 8 pictures were taken from Ani's facebook page.

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