Sunday, October 14, 2012

It has been a great week for the Lipetsk branch.  We received a set of sister missionaries that will be such a great addition to our branch.  Our Relief Society has been suffering for quite sometime and these two beautiful and competent sisters should be a wonderful influence.  Sister Lewis is training Sister Tolbert who is fresh from the MTC.  

We watched the first Saturday session of conference, but got home too late for the big announcement.  We were downtown with the sisters helping them shop for bedding and other necessary items.  We were wanting to see what new temples have been announced as rumor has it that they bought temple property in Moscow this summer.  We went right to Deseret News on line and received all the news.  I had branch counsel in the morning and as no one saw conference I had as much pleasure as President Monson did in announcing the grand changes in missionary age requirements.  I had one 19 year old sister, Rima, want to know how she can put in her papers.  She has been on a "mini mission" and was as good as any of the regular sisters according to President Woolley.  

It was another big day because we finally have the needed callings filled.  All our new adult members now have callings and we have the young men organized.  We only have one 15 year old boy but he has not been functioning in his priesthood duties.  We reorganized the Relief Society, Sunday School and called a new counselor, Elder Raymond, and an assistant clerk, Elder Law.  I am concerned that Elder Law loves his new calling so much that it may interfere with his missionary work.  I will have to watch that.  Most importantly we now have an Elder's quorum President, Elder Black.  
The newest version of the Lipetsk missionary district with our wonderful new sisters Lewis, and Tolbert (L/R).  Elders Davis, Raymond, Law (forground) and Black.  The sad looking character on the left is me.
Many babushkas supplement their meager pensions by selling fruits and vegetables on the street.  These stands are much more substantial than the usual situation.  Most of them have just a one or two items to sell and they sit in a group of three or four outside grocery stores and other high volume stores.
There are many enclosed little shops like this near bus stops.  This one sold cosmetics.  I took the picture because of the cat.  As you can see from my reflection in the window I was being a little subversive in taking the picture.  Russians in Lipetsk are not used to tourists and react funny about people taking pictures of everyday stuff.
At the school near us these children were cleaning up this flower bed. At this school, considered the best in Lipetsk the children dress up like they were at church.  We wish our members would dress so well.
At this school they have a sport court where the children will have exercise class and every waking hour of the day you will find boys or men playing soccer.  Our branch is having sports day here.  Some are playing with the one backboard out of four that has a hoop and others are kicking around the soccer ball.
At the other end of the court some boys are playing soccer.
Since last winder I have made some winter clothes purchases.  Here are my not so cold weather scarf and hat.  The coat is my CTR coat I bought for our first mission to New Zealand from the LDS outfitter in Tigard, Oregon.
This is my really cold weather scarf and hat and a down filled coat with furry hood.  The scarf is cashmere purchased at the open market in town, the hat is made from some animal fur purchased at Red Square in Moscow.  The coast was given to me by President Woolley, who had only a few months left.  
A game of "Ninja" at family home evening.  The gentleman at the left is an investigator who is scheduled for baptism this Wednesday.  We had him to our home for a lesson this past week.  Our first non Armenian convert.  Sister Lewis is on the right.
Rita, Sister Tolbert and a young investigator, Max on the right.  He is a fine young man but is under 18 and not sure just how interested in the gospel he is.  He comes to English club but has not been to church.
We had a delayed district meeting this week because of visa trips and two Elders had to go to zone leader's meeting in Moscow.  As we had already planned a dinner for Leonid and his wife for that evening we decided to go for Rus-Burgers for lunch after the meeting.  They have a good hamburger, chicken burger and milk shakes.  McDonalds opened up three weeks ago but it is on the other side of town and we understand is packed all day long.  We will wait until the newness wears off before going there.
Leonid is my financial clerk, gospel doctrine teacher and building maintenance person.  His wife is less active so we thought we might introduce her to the Sisters.  We hope they can help several of our less active sisters.  We have more men than sisters come to church.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Elder and Sister Hoaglund! So wonderful to see you are serving another mission. We have had a wonderful experience serving here in the Philippines Cauayan Mission. We are so proud of the work you are doing! May God bless you both!
