Sunday, October 21, 2012

I am finding being responsible for the welfare of several families very difficult.  I feel the responsibility  to use  the sacred welfare funds wisely, how difficult it is to say no, and heart wrenching to hear and see how desperate some families are.  I think I am doing all I can to insure they are doing what they should do to be worthy of continued help but I feel so inadequate when it comes to helping them out of their situation.  These people are allowed into the country, but have legal obstacles which take a long time to work through.  We also have some disabled, and mothers of infants who are not allowed to work for 2 years after the birth of a child even though the have people living with them who can't work but could care for the child.  I had one couple come today asking for further help who were truly humble in their circumstance.  They had tears in their eyes and I noticed that the husband had lost weight, which was caused by lack of food.  The mother and daughters are already very slender.  Fortunately I talked with the brother of this sister and he will take care of their nutrition needs while we will help with other needs.   
 At the central market (Renock), we have people selling live fish out of these tubs.  When you enlarge these pictures you may see the women on the right filling a plastic grocery bag with fish.  A customer walking away with their "catch," and another filling a tub with water.  If you get too close you will get splashed on.
 Artiome and Marina with their family and Elders Davis and Law.  Marina is progressing very slowly.  The baby has been an excuse for not coming to church or other activities.
 We had a baptism this week.  Roma here on the right was baptized after we met at the branch building and we all walked to a hotel not far away where they had a pool to baptize him in.
 On the way we saw this door to no where.  We suspect the project is not complete.
 Sister Lewis found a real hot tub at the hotel.
 Here is the pool for the baptism.  The Elders are moving benches for the baptismal service.
 Samvell found this chair to rest his sore back.
 Roma all ready for his baptism.
 Members, investigators, the Sisters and us waiting for the Elders to begin the baptismal service.
 Gathering around the pool for the baptism.  My clerk did the baptizing as we have been instructed that members are to do all baptizing.  Leonid was thrilled.  I think it will give the members a real connection to the new convert.
 A little get together after the baptism at the branch.
 The official portrait of the Lipetsk missionary district.  On the couch Elders Law, Davis, Sister Tolbert, Elder & Sister Hoagland.  On the floor, Sister Lewis, Elders Raymond and Black.  Good group.
 These last two pictures were taken from Arpine's facebook photos.  On the left are investigators, Roma and Agasy.
Sister Lewis, Arpina, Sister Tolbert, Rita, and the happy senior couple.

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