Thursday, September 20, 2012

Experiences in the branch

Since we have been here Saturday has been the day to clean the chapel.  In winter months it was no problem as we had sports day at the building and we just cleaned up after the activity with those who came.  Summer has been a different experience.  There has been no organized system where the members participated in the cleaning.  It was pretty much left to the Elders.  Things move a little slow here and I have been trying to involve members, especially those receiving church assistance.  

Two weeks ago we sustained a new member as our member cleaning coordinator.  I had made up a blank schedule and a list of clean-up duties.  Finally today we have those two items translated into Russian so they can be used.  In our visit from the area facilities manager three weeks ago it was approved for a cabinet to be purchased to provide access by the members to cleaning supplies and equipment, but so far no cabinet.  

Some of the interesting things going on with record keeping in the branch;  When my wallet was stolen last July 3, included in the missing items was the debit card (Russians do not use checks) used for funding branch budget and welfare requirements.  After using the new card for some time we noticed that we were not getting the weekly reports of our withdrawals showing up on the computer.  After finally reporting the situation to Moscow area finance office we were asked to send a picture of the screen that shows the report without the withdrawals.  I didn't know how that would help, but we complied.  Three weeks went by and I finally emailed them to see if they got the requested picture.  They wrote back asking for a list of all withdrawals since we received the card so they could investigate.  Now we wait!

On Sunday my first counselor could not come to church because he was not able to finance his bus ride into town from his farm an hour and a half away.  My clerk slept in and was also not there.  We have only three passwords to access the financial section of the church system and they had two of them.  Elder Janson and I share a missionary password but we needed two passwords to access the system.  Result, we were not able to record our tithing receipts and branch expenses for the week.  Not good! I have since requested a password for me.

On the bright side.  We had an audit on Tuesday of the first six months from Elder Craythorn who came up from Veronish.  Not one mistake.   
These first three pictures were taken from our apartment window.  Over this last weekend we had an inversion and at least 1 in 5 of the houses to our north were burning yard debris.  This is not Oregon.

I came late to sport day at the beach and everyone greeted me on my arrival.  I play for about an hour and a half each Saturday in the sand.
Here everyone is putting on the shoes and getting ready to leave.  There must be a dam somewhere on that river because the water level never seems to change.
We have a rather long walk from the beach back to the branch through some unkept foliage.  At the base of a cliff is this really quaint little chapel with beautifully kept grounds.

Here we begin a rather steep climb up to the top of the cliff.
This is a new monastery being built next to the little chapel.  It is at the bottom of the trail leading up the cliff.
At the top is a very nice park.  On Saturdays there are weddings being held all day long and they fan out across the city in decorated cars and limousines  to find locations for wedding pictures.  I am not sure if this was an actual wedding ceremony or just a friends and family activity.  That was a  beautiful bride.  I am told the reason there are so many weddings is because the average Russian is married three times.
Not far from the wedding party
From our kitchen widow, four stories up over brick stairs is this woman cleaning her windows.
You would never catch me like this.  I had my heart attack 16 years ago at the top of a 12 foot step ladder.  That was scary enough for me.
I do not know how these women do it.  Walking on 6 inch heals just to shop.  I think I will take more pictures of women's shoes because since taking this picture I have found some very interesting ones that I would like to share.
The parents of one of our new converts came from Armenia to live with their son and his family.  I am sorry I do not remember the sister's name but his is Ararat, just like his grandson.  We are here celebrating with fruit and cake, for her birthday.
The Craythorns took a 2 hour bus ride from Veronish so Elder Craythorn could audit our branch books.  They are from Syracuse, Utah and have been married 52 years since they were 16 years old.  Following the audit we took them to the "Rus Burger" for a really good hamburger and fries.  It has been open only 2 or 3 months and we have been there 5 times.  We were told by the Elders that they have great shakes as well.  I tried the strawberry a while back and did not like it.  I will have to try the chocolate and the vanilla.  They come recommended.
Here is our Nastia.  She has graduated from university and has moved home to her mother's little village where she has a job in the library.  Hope those stacks don't fall on her.  We really miss her.  She will come every once in a while, but I think she much prefers the Veronish branch which she also visits once in a while. It has at lease 80 in attendance and she has lots of friends her age there.

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