Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Humbling Experience

The events of this branch just never seem to end.  On Wednesday we gathered for family home evening and celebrated the birthday of Natasha, the sister who takes care of our registrations and other paperwork.  We provided a cake for the occasion, but had no idea the number of people who would show up.  It turns out we had six of us missionaries, nine invited non-members (investigators), and 17 members for a total of 32.  The relief society room was just big enough.  One member was also a less active who came for the first time since we arrived.  We all had a wonderful time eating, visiting, and playing games.  
 It took all these pictures to get a view of all those who attended.

 This was the last event attended by Elder Stegeby who was transferred this week to Tula.  Elder Stegeby is a beautiful person and we will miss his wonderful spirit.
 Igor is a less active who we so much desire to take an active role in the branch.  He is a most capable person and we really need an Elders Quorum president.  
 Elder Stegeby's train left for Moscow at 11:00 pm and all us missionaries came to see him off.  Elder Janson went with him to pick up his new companion fresh from the MTC.
 Our faithful Rema also came with Jenna to see Elder Stegeby off.  She and her Sister Ani are possibly the most faithful members in the branch.  They support every event and function that they are able, even if they have to come late.
 Here we are with Jenna.  Jenna has her own travel business.  I wish someone had suggested I tuck in my shirt.
 Everyone wants their own picture.  Here Elder Bishop try's to do his part to satisfy the demand.
 We were blessed with the presence of President and Sister Woolley, who came to Lipetzk for our branch conference.  We had the pleasure of having them in our apartment for a visit and some lunch.  They are pictured here with Leonid and his wife and daughter.  This was the first time Lilian has been to church since we have been here.  She knows some English and Sister Hoagland had a wonderful visit with her.  We have invited them to dinner this next Thursday.  Their daughter lives in Moscow along with her two brothers.
 After our visit with President Woolley, he asked to visit with me privately.  He called me to be the branch president here in Lipetzk.  It was a surprise as Elder Janson had only been in for 6 weeks but he will now have to train a new Elder and his missionary work is very important.  The reaction of the branch members was just overwhelming.  Ani raised both hands, the brethren gave me warm embraces.  A number of the Sisters came late and when they heard the look they gave me was just heart warming.  Now I have to live up to their high expectations.   
President & Sister Woolley with the Rushanyan family.  Sargis will be my first counselor and Elder Janson will be second counselor.  Aida is our Relief Society president.  Ani works with Sister Hoagland in primary. Sister Woolley is wearing a shawl given by a member.  They also received from a member a Russian bible with many beautiful paintings and other art work inside.  They also received a few other mementos from the branch.  They are really loved by the branch and they will be sorely missed. They go home on the 25th.  This will double the size of the Moscow mission so we probably won't see as much of the mission president.  
On Monday evening, Elders Janson and Stegeby brought an investigator to our apartment and she cooked us dinner.  Elder Janson is keeping her daughter entertained with my ipad.  She learned to play with it in no time.  The pillow is a must for me to sit on that sofa. My back would be really sore in short order without it.
 Elder Stegeby took this picture.  Elders Bishop and Harris were also in attendance.  Nastia is always welcome in our home.  More news, Elder Harris was called to be our zone leader.  He is a most deserving of the confidence.  A hard working missionary with a positive attitude.
A new friend at English club.  He spent a couple of summers in Virginia when he was younger.  We hope he continues to come.


  1. We love and miss you Dad and Mom/gma&gpa!
    Hugs from all us Hoagies in OR :-)

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of my brother Elder Bishop.. It's so great to see he has so many wonderful people around him!
