This first picture is out of order, but I wanted this one to be in to show the gym at the Vernezh branch and show what the brethren were doing while the Sisters were in Relief Society conference. Elder Hoagland Shot some baskets and then they put up the volleyball net and he played too. He got a minor injury when one of the more active players ran into him and stepped all over his right leg just above the ankle. Fortunately it is not sore to walk on but it is to the touch. Ankle and foot are swollen.

We had a wonderful day on Saturday April 6. A family from Lipetsk was baptized members of the church. The branch rented a bus and went to Veronezh, where the church owns a large chapel and has a baptismal font. Following the baptism, the Sisters attended the Veronezh relief society conference.
In Veronezh there is a permanent location for a circus. This is their building.
Leaving Lipetzk we passed this flower market. This is one of many we saw on our journey.
A Russian Orthodox church in Lipetzk.
In the bus.
Elder Turner who is Assistant to the president came back for the baptism of Samvelle and his family. Samville looks like a happy man.
Another Russian church.
This is the Veronezh branch building. It used to be a theater I am told. If you venture out of the remodeled areas it is pretty grungy inside. There is a security person at the building 24 hours.
Sister Hoagland is here providing prelude music for the baptismal service. Elder Hoagland was privileged to give the talk on baptism. 
Here is the Sergiesyan family ready for the service to begin. L to R Armene 13, Margarite Mother, Elder Anisaforov (baptized Armene), Arpine 15, Sergies Rashanyan brother of Margarite (baptized Samville), and Samville. Elder Turner baptized Arpine and Elder Kvasnitsky baptized Margarite. This family came from Armenia last summer. Elder Hoagland went on one teaching visit where the spirit was so strong.

Armon, Vika, Ararad and Artiome. This family was baptized the weekend prior to our arrival. They too are Armenian. The Rushanyan family were members when they came last year and have invited other family members to come. The Russian government encourages this immigration via expedited visa applications and a stipend when they arrive. Hopefully we can teach them as they arrive.

The two older sisters are from the Veronezh branch relief society presidency who were kind enough to support our baptism even though they were preparing for the conference which began immediately following the baptism. The Sister in the jeans is an investigator from Lipetsk. Many of our members do not own skirts or dresses. Ararad is sporting his new suit on the left.

L to R Samville, Elder Turner, Arpine, Sergies, Armine, Margarite, Elder Kvanitsky, Elder Anisaforov ready for the baptism.
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