Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Visit to the Zoo

Just thought I would describe our environment.  We live in a very large apartment building. There are five entrances which give access to each section of the building. You cannot have access to  other sections from you section, only through the appropriate outside door.

Heat comes from radiators who's heat source is city provided.  It is turned on in November and turned off in mid April.  We found that it could have been turned off a few days earlier as the apartment and other buildings were way to warm.  The church did not have adequate heat until we did not need it and then it was there in abundance.  Hot water is also provided centrally.  Yesterday they also turned that off for at least three weeks for maintenance.  This has caused us to plan a little to have hot water for washing dishes, etc.   It will be off for a few weeks again in August.  

We have had a problem with a leaking shower stall.  After a couple of times trying to fix it, the landlady just put in a new tub.  Sister Hoagland is very happy.  

We are obliged to have our windows open on occasion so I will describe some of the sounds coming in.  The sound of children playing on the play area.  Men and women talking below our window.  Trucks rattling by on the  pot hole filled road.  The chirp of car alarms being set or unset.  Car motion alarms.  Trains less than a mile away (they are much quieter than a  US train).   Dogs barking.  There is one in particular that is very annoying.  A large German Shepard that has the loudest and fastest bark I have ever heard.  It can be Hurd evenings, middle of the night and early mornings right outside our bed room window.

I don't want to sound like I am complaining.  We are so lucky we do not live on a main highway.  We are just used to a very quiet neighborhood.  It is fun to people watch as it is like a small town right here in this complex.  Lots of young mothers with buggies, the children are fun to watch as they chase each other, etc.  Across the street we have people working in their gardens.  Lots of babushkas (grandmas) & Dadushkas (grandpas) taking their grandchildren to school or just taking care of them.  

I had a chance to work with the Elders last night as we attempted to see or find some less actives.  I went with Elder Janson and got to know him better.  We were also able to talk about the needs of the branch.  We had two bus rides, but most was walking.  They do not allow any of us to drive, and it is too dangerous on the roads for biking.  I must say I have a real appreciation for these young, wonderful Elders, who work so hard to find and teach people the gospel.  If people, 25 years ago, had said I would be tramping around a Russian city with the Elders, I would have thought them crazy.  

On P-day we, the elders, and Anastasia went to the zoo and the aquarium.  They are in a local park.  The following are some of the animals we saw.  The zoo is not up to any animal rights standards as the dangerous animals are in cages like they were when I was a boy.  They are building some new facilities, but there will be no free roaming areas.  

 Pretty bird
 A buffalo
 Sister Hoagland
 Anastasia showing the Elders how to be attached by a swan.  
The Elders were very interested in these "smiling turtles." 
 The aquarium raises its own cockroaches to feed its snakes. 
 Not much room for the Crocodiles. 
 Albino snake
 How many snakes in this display?
 Another variety of cockroach.
 Strangest looking turtle I have seen.  A funny think, on facebook when this picture was posted, it found a face to label.  Can you see it.
 Sister Hoagland's favorite turtles.
 The first flowers of Spring in Lipetsk.
 Our new branch president, Elder Janson from St. George Utah.  He had been serving in Kazakhstan the past eight months.  
 Fresh from the MTC, Elder Bishop joins us here in Lipetsk.  He too is from St. George, Utah
Here the Elders are trying out the Lipitsk mineral water.  They would only taste it, but would not drink it.

We are happy to have these wonderful Elders with us.  They are just wonderful young men who are really working hard.  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Branch Easter Party and Fond good bye to Elder Kvasnitsky

Spring has come to Lipetsk. The children are now out on the playground everyday. We can hear their squeals from our apartment. Below we had one beautiful sunset.

On Saturday April 14 we had a branch Easter party. Twenty one people came, which was amazing. This young lady is Julia and she came after attending our English Club. She has a great desire to go to school in America so I was talking to her about attending BYU. Julia speaks English very well and is a good student. She was to come to English club the next Tuesday with her teacher, but did no show.
Ararad, Artiome, and Arpine having a great time coloring eggs. I used this photo because I just love Arpine's smile.
Both these boys have t-shirts that say USAF-Dept. You see a lot of English words on clothing that mean nothing.
Margarite, Samville, Vika, and Arpine getting eggs and fingers colored.
I was amazed at the beuatiful eggs they produced. Elder Hoagland hard bowled all 100 eggs used.
Some of the handy work when completed.
The table was made ready before we ate a wonderful meal, the main dish prepared by Elder Anisiforov on the left. Svyataslov, is standing at the end of the table. He was one of the first members in Lipetsk. The Sister to his left Valentina, and she lives quite a ways out of town, so it is an effort for this faithful sister to come to church and its activities. Rema is a wonderful young lady who served a 6 month mini mission. President said she is one of the best he has had serve.
Sergies and his son Radic.
Elder Anisiforov preparing his dish before serving.
Svyataslov, Samville, and Elder Hoagland.
Samville and his sweet wife Margarite. What a great addition to the branch they are. Margarite was sustained as 1st counselor in the relief society and Samville was given the Aaronic priesthood Sunday.
Oni, Sister Hoagland, Elder Hoagland and Margarite following our branch party.
Elder Stegeby is a magician of sorts. Here he using hymn # cards to wow these two young ladies. He is very good.
On Tuesday evening late, we all (missionaries) took Elder Kvasnitsky to the train station to say good bye. He is being transferred to the farthest north city in the mission, Yarolslavl. After nine thirty we are not aloud to wear our name tags. A security precaustion.
Here we are just before the train left. L to R Elder & Sister Hoagland, Elder Harris, Elder Kvasnitsky, Elder Anisiforov, and Elder Stegeby. On Monday Elder Anisiforov will leave for Kazakhstan.
Just in case you were wondering if they cook with oil here. There are 5, four foot sections six rows high. Quite the variety.
We could see two big buildings towering above the ram shackle houses that our apartment overlooks. Yesterday was a beautiful day so we decided to go take a look. This is a very big and beautiful home. Apparently the neighborhood does not matter so much here. You just wall yourself in enjoy.
This picture is an attempt to show how these houses are mixed in with the less fortunate.
Not as big as the first, but very nice.
This is a statue in downtown. No one seems to know much about it. It is referred to as the man with the towel.
This is a small church at the edge of a large city park.
Elder Hoagland taking a drink of the city mineral water. Anastasia said it doesn't taste very good but is is really good for you. She was right about the taste.
Elder & Sister Hoagland at the big Lipezk sign in the park.
Water fowl at the Lipetzk zoo. We did not have time to go in, but maybe next week.
Vendors at the park. This picture is for you Zach. Love those balloons.
A statue of Peter the Great. Very much loved in Russia.