Monday, March 5, 2012

Our first working week

It has been a marvelous week featuring spiritual, inspirational, scary, and interesting experiences.
First let us show a couple of products that we purchase here. Above, eggs are sold in 10's (Desyatok) instead of a dozen. If you enlarge the picture you may see better that eggs are not thoroughly cleaned.

Milk comes in small packages, mainly because they have to carry it home and because I don't think they use it as a beverage. Their juices are wonderful.
This picture was taken from the home of President and Sister Woolley. We had to fly back to Moscow to meet the Woolley's and get our second passport. It is used to obtain our new visa that is required each 90 days. We leave on the old and return on the new.
The plane we flew to Moscow and back. It held about 40 and it took under an hour. It took nearly two hours to get to the Wooley's from the airport. It was the other side of the huge city by freeway. The church driver picked us up, thank goodness. We would have no idea how to get anywhere.

Unfortunately we were not able to get a picture of the Woolley's because by the time we left their home they were never together. President got a call and they had to leave for the mission office in a hurry. They have been wonderful to us and have had our comfort as a big priority.
Some pictures on the way back to the Airport, Tuesday evening.
A billboard to hide an eyesore.
A shopping center.
Elder Hoagland, Samvell, who will be baptized soon with his wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters and Elder Turner from Atlanta, Georgia. He will leave us this week to be AP (assistant to president). He served 8 months in Kazakhstan where he opened its largest city to missionary work. He had 30 baptisms and so many miracles. One baptist minister came to them intending to show them the light. He was given the Book of Mormon, and he saw the light, and is a real strength to the young branch. They found a man praying in a park, came up to him and proclaimed that they had been sent to answer his prayer. He listened to them and indeed they were. He was baptized. Julie just informed us that Eric had given a Book of Mormon to a friend in his school band a year ago. The Sister Missionaries told Julie that the girl said it had changed her life. She is now 18 and will be baptized this month.
Another freeway picture in Moscow.
The Lipetsk missionary district. Front, Elder Anisaforov from Ukraine, Elder Turner, Elder Harris from Wyoming, Elder & Sister Hoagland, Elder Kasnitsky (not sure where he is from) somewhere in the old soviet Union.

Our washing machine. Thoroughly modern but tiny. Sis. Hoagland is standing there just to give you an idea of its height and depth. Notice the orange and black tile in our bathroom.
Sis. Hoagland's new Russian friend, Nastia, (Anastasia). She went with us Thursday afternoon to shop for boots and to a large grocery store for food. The grocery store was located in this beautiful mall. We had trouble using our debit and credit card at the shoe store so we had to find an ATM to get cash. Turns out our credit card had not been activated. We could not get through on the number given on the back of the card so the next day we tried to skype the number and that did not work either. We called another mission couple on skype and they used their computer phone to call the number and then put that phone next to their speakers and we could talk to the lady and get things corrected. We now have an active credit card that is authorized for Europe.
Our tiny shower.
Family home evening at the church.
Sergeis is first counselor to Elder Anisaforov who is branch president. His family have been members for 7 years and joined in their native Armenia. His mother, grandma Rema, lives with his Sister Margaret, who's family will join the church early next month. She has taken to Sister Hoagland and would not let go all evening.
Elder Turner has his arms around Samvell and his wife Margaret, who's family will be baptized next month. As AP Elder Turner will be able to come back for the baptism. Their youngest daughter Arpine 13 is in front. I was priviledged to sit in on a lesson with them this week. They are fantastic. Elder Harris on the right, with his companion, has 3 people scheduled for baptism soon.

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